Poverty and Social Welfare in Great Britain from 1598
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117. CHALMERS, Thomas. ALS to James Cleland, dated St. Andrews Dec. 6, 1823. 52 lines on 4 pages 4to. Small section torn from top of pages otherwise in good condition with wax stamp.

"I can assure you that I received and read your very kind letter with the greatest pleasure and interest and am particularly gratified by your favourable opinion of my pamphlet. (Statement in regard to Pauperism, 1823?) . I do most sincerely hope that the experience of the four next years in St. Johns will tally with the experience of the four last in which case a greater service will be rendered to the cause of truth than any that has yet been made for you must be aware of the very fraudulent impression that it was a mystical something in my presence which accomplished the wonder. This all my agents know to be a delusion and if they will only in my absence show it to be so to others, they will indeed do [more for the?] establishment of a right Parochial system ...than I could have done by a whole life-time of exertion."

An important letter between the great Scottish social reformer and the great Scottish statistician.